A.D.A.M. (area designated activity module) Places yago. ADAM likes to get right to the point. Where do yago? Countries States Regions Cities Towns Neighborhoods Events Parks Web Sites Airports

Any place EVE has ask questions about. She asks a lot of  questions.

(your area guide organizer)

Yago (your area guide organizer) Since the beginning,  entertainment has started with  Adam and Eve. (They just happen to be acronyms for our navigation) Cities are made up of many different areas.  We call  each area an ADAM (area designated activity module) Each has it’s own distinct personality. We help you determine the area you would like to go.  Hence, where do YAGO? We do this with EVE (entertainment vicinity educator) EVE asks questions about  ADAM. ADAM likes to get right to the point.  EVE is more inclined to ask for some directions. Usually, ADAM and EVE end up at the same place.  So, YaGo to ADAM, then YaGo to EVE. Which leads to Entertainment. Nothing has changed since the beginning,  it all starts with ADAM and EVE.    That’s how Yago.
E.V.E (entertainment vicinity educator) Things yado. EVE is more inclined to ask for directions. Where do yago to: eat dance listen to some music sightsee walk golf shop get my nails done the bank have a cocktail watch some sports meet some people find a hotel the grocery store the garage