Have yago.com/wp-admin on your phone.  Have page that may become content.  Every idea and opinion you have is gold.  It’s amazing how many things we think of that are brilliant but you don’t write it down and its lost.  Always be creating content.  Become an expert on the content you enjoy.

We are the most in tune people on the internet, except for those under 12,  and every opinion we have is valuable.  Everybody has access the the same information but few write it down.  Damn it have a place we can easily go on cell phone to update everything.  

you are part of a four letter url that has the most acronyms of any four letter words.  If you have a subject more than likely yago has an acronym that describes it.  Pick a business we get you an acronym. 


“Mack the Knife 

The best bruschetta I’ve ever had.


Opinion.  With all the labor shortages seems to be a good argument for open borders.

James Webb Space Telescope.

When meditating connect thumb to finger next to little finger.  The way Buddha did.  It will increase focus.

Only true golfers will get this.  
1995 Masters is the greatest invention of God to make us believers.  Harvey Pinnick dies the Sunday before the 1995 Masters.  Harvey was known as one of the greatest teachers of the game of golf and it happened that his two greatest students were Ben Crenshaw and Davis Love III.
Sunday before the Masters both Ben and Davis attended the funeral.  It was a day filled with emotion to say the least.  So know both Ben and Davis got on a plane headed for Augusta were considerably one of the greatest tournaments in golf is played.  The Masters
Ben and Davis didn’t get to the course until Tuesday just two short days before the tournament.  Of course most people thought neither would be in contention after such an emotional experience they had just attended.  Ben Crenshaw who hadn’t won the Masters in 23 years or much of anything else, was the most attached to Harvey and was one of his great friends.  More of a father son relationship.  What was about to occur was I think God’s greatest miracle.

I think the right idea in making yago a household word is by exploiting it and showing it use.  Pick a business any business and I’ll bet it does better with a yago.com sub-domain.  So you own Balcor-Jones stucco company would it be easier to make it stucco.yago.com and re-direct to Balcor Jones site.  So anything.yago.com is what we should be working on.

Obviously we need people.  Rome wan’t built in a day and neither was google.  The problem is we need money to take this sort of leap.  We need to create a little business that at least keeps the lights on.
So we spend endlessly in word-press trying to become competent enough with it to actually promote that we can do a web-site.  Haven’t even came close on this one.  

This what we are trying to do.

This is what we are doing.

Who we are.

Need help.  First page navigation and focus.
Someone should be doing this.

Need a page where we can easily go on our cells that will or can be posted on a what’s happening now page.  

Many sub-domains needed to cover all great names that yago benefits; golf, gambling, god, etc, etc.  anything we have good information about.