China has a city named yago. We are
Yago lies in China in the province Tibet. If you want to call Yago you have to use +86 or 0086 before the phone number without the first 0 in the original phone number (if it occurs). If the normal number is 05012457809, for example, you can remove the first 0 and call +865012457809 or 00865012457809.
Yago is in a straight line at 7.475 km distance from London. From London-Heathrow the flight time is about 10 hours25.
The coordinates of Yago, China are latitude: 28.7 en longitude: 88.7
The GPS coordinates are N 28° 42′ 0.0000″ en E 88° 42′ 0.0000″
Currency Yago
Currency Yago
In Yago the Chinese yuan renminbi is used to pay.
Exchange rate Chinese yuan renminbi (CNY) 29 march 2021
1 Chinese yuan renminbi = 0,11 Pound sterling
100 Chinese yuan renminbi = 11,47 Pound sterling
1 Pound sterling = 8,72 Chinese yuan renminbi
100 Pound sterling = 872,05 Chinese yuan renminbi
Install exchange rate app
It can be difficult to calculate the exchange rate yourself. Install an app on your phone that updates the exchange rate daily. By entering the local price you immediately see what the price is in Euro.
Bring your credit card
Take a credit card along with your own bank card. If your bank card is not accepted then you have the credit card that you can use.
You can find the nearest ATM via various apps such as:
MasterCard ATM Hunter
Download Android
Download Apple
MasterCard Nearby
Download Android
Download Apple
Time difference Yago
In Yago it is now 13:15 o’clock in the afternoon on monday 29 march 2021. That is 7 hour later than in United Kingdom. The time zone of Yago is Asia/Shanghai and the Greenwich time is UTC+08.
Vaccinations Yago
Recommended vaccinations
- DTP (Difterie, Tetanus en Polio)
- Hepatitis A (besmettelijke geelzucht)
Person and travel related vaccinations
These vaccinations may differ per person and / or be advised on the basis of the stay in Yago.
- BMR (Bof, Mazelen en Rode hond)
- Buiktyfus
- Dengue (knokkelkoorts)
- Gele koorts
- Hepatitis B
- Japanse encefalitis
- Rabiës
- Schistosomiasis
- Tekenencefalitis
- Tuberculose (TBC)