
Speaking Quantum

How much faster is a quantum computer than our super computer?  100-million times faster.  So if you gave both the same problem, a quantum computer would take 8 seconds to do what our fastest super computer would compute in 10,000 years.  This just blows me away.

The quantum age is coming. It may take years… or not.

In my layman’s understanding, the silicon chip works with 2 digits: a plus or a minus, a zero and one. Basically on and off.  You could even say yin and yang.  These are the bits that form the language (they call it code) which gives the computers instructions.  To a laymen, again, the way we see the quantum chip is as some “on and offs” at the sub-atomic level. Quantum computers use an electron for these instructions.  Quantum bits deliver the code to operate the computer.  How much smaller and faster they are generates the aforementioned problem-solving speed. 

But this is not even their most coveted attribute!  They can be off or on at the same time.  This blows my mind.

More to come or maybe you should do a comment on this post to blow my hillbilly venture into the quantum world.

215 Responses

  1. A country boy quantum theory

    The quantum world can be on or off at the same time. The way I see it i our current internet uses (0) or (1), on or off, up or down, yen or yang, all computing has been restricted by this one single command. Should my “state” be positive or negative. In our current computing world we are confined by the need of the command. In the quantum state there is need for the command because the quantum particle exists at the same time. Thus the gillions and gillions of commands needed for functionality can be eliminated.

  2. The new light-based quantum computer made by China has achieved quantum supremacy.
    The name of the computer is called Jiuznang. It can perform a calculation in 90 seconds that would take the fastest super computer over a half billion years.

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